Saturday 30 October 2010

My DA account

If want a bit more info on what i was doing over summer, heres some journals and artwork on my DA account. ^^


Over summer.

so...looking back at summer from a freshly enrolled third year i can only wish i had another crack at it, i did manage to get some practice in over summer but i wished i had got a head start on the negotiated studies. it would have given me a lot more breathing space. But. Whats done is done and i can only get excited thinking about what i can personally achieve in this upcoming year.

Although i didnt conciously aim to start my negotiated brief before third year started, I did want to get my idea down- however i seemed unable to settle on any one idea, to much i think. so i did what i usually do- drew a finished image and made my story from that.

I didnt want to concentrate too much on what the story was as long as i could get some interesting design ideas out of it. This turned out to work for me and pulled a rough frame for my games narrative in around a week or so.


Hello if yours reading this I appreciate it, I'm not sure on how to write an interesting blog, but hopefully I'll get lost in it and my work will speak for itself.

I haven't been the strongest blogger in the past few years not because I don't enjoy it but purely I wasn't aware how much of a crucial component blogs can be to the creative process. As a result I am very willing to go full steam ahead with my 3rd year project at uni- after all it would be a shame to create an artbook without a 'making of' to go with it.

In this blog I intend to post where I'm up to with my project and where these ideas have come from-influences, thought processes etc.

So enjoy, i'm late setting this thing up but i'll make sure i dont miss a thing.

Maybe I'll do influences as a separate blog, keep this as a sort of show reel- well regardless, i go forth...