Sunday, 5 December 2010

waw...a month already!

a month.....A MONTH! my word. my apologies for the lack of posting but the work hasn't, until recently that is, been going to well. I've been looking at my work recently with a lack of optimism, Ive been questioning many things- whether to go back to graphic design etc.
The thing is, I still am having these thoughts and I'm sure I'll have similar kinds all the way down the career path i chose. but alas, i have to pick myself up, get on and finish what i started.
I think the work i have done so far is fine but to me seems a impulsive and poorly revised. so at the beginning of last week i decided to revisit ideas within my game and bolster/reinforce them them.
I'll be in uni tomorrow scanning in the sketchbook ideas I've been working on so far. Ive started to tackle the '8 kings' the enemies in my tale and probably the most important design aspects in the game. they will hopefully set the mood so the rest of the design work: npcs', environments, pros will come a lot easier without the gas tank running on empty.

so.... watch this space! hopefully I'll be posting some professional standard stuff in the next week- lets see how much i can churn out ;)

1 comment:

  1. That's the spirit old chap! Hold that chin up high and get yourself a cup of strong tea, it's the English way don't you know.
