Thursday, 4 November 2010

further rough designs: Weapons

Just a heads up these were drew in an animation pencil so if you have trouble seeing the images just click on them to enlarge^^
I knocked these up the other night, I wasn't in the greatest moods for designing characters so I switched to weapons for the night. In my first finished design for Archim he is wielding a Turkish compound bow- mongolians would use them because they were light, small and could still fire to 350 feet, extremely powerful. However I didnt want to rule out the chance of crossbows; even if i didnt equip archim with one a villager could easily do so.
In these pages i was just looking at overall shapes, possible blade attatchments and other variables. I came across a pistol crossbow and thought it a great idea. For missions where you would have to sneak and assasinate they are powerful yet small and concealable.As for the ones where they look as if a ladel has been nailed to a block of wood- thats more of a medievil grenade launcher. It would be useable with shrapnel, smoke or slime bombs.
hope you like ^^

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